Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Faithing" is a Concept of Hope

I could not wait to start this blog. I have SO many experiences in my life that I wish to share with people that it's just wrong that I haven't started doing so until now.
My name is Elder Matthew Kjar (my last name is pronounced like the word "care"). I am serving a Full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints in the Santa Rosa California Mission. I love what I do! I go out everyday to teach people about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I dedicate two years to go out and literally change people's lives! The reward that comes from this work is more than any man can comprehend. That's why it's so great.
Something SO good though has to have a catch. That catch is that I have to leave behind all that I used to be. I left behind family, friends, music, movies, my car, and my favorite toy that is my motorcycle. I am dedicated to serve my Lord and my God with an eye single to His work and glory. Because of this sacrifice, it's easy to think of home and become discouraged whenever you face rejection or sadness in mission life. However there is one thing that I can always look to in order to look forward with hope, and that is this wonderful button.
Over the many years that my cousins have served faithful missions, this button has been passed down from cousin to cousin and has now found it's place with me on my mission. The message it reads is simple, "Go Forth Faithing." As I have been on a mission, I have found this concept of "Faithing" to be one that takes time to learn. Faith and hope, by definition in the English language is almost the same, but when you apply it to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it become much more than just an expectation of good things to come.
Hope turns the principle of faith into one that can be acted on. It can find it's way into your heart and cause you to act. It's a promise from God that He will Bless you according to that trust or faith that you place in Him. When you "Go Forth Faithing," the blessing that can be found in your life will become manifest, and you will not have room enough to receive them.
As I go out everyday to proclaim this wonderful truth, I always try to remember to go Faithing. Why? Because that Hope that I place in my Heavenly Father will be the best thing I can do to please Him, and He will bless me, as He will you if you apply this concept.
I carry this button everyday in my backpack to remind me of my weaknesses so I can make them strong. As I "Go Forth Faithing," I can be made into a stronger person. This is the purpose of my Blog. I hope that as I share stories and ideas with you that you may be able to exercise faith in such a way that it can cause you to hope and pray for good things to happen in your life. I promise you that not by my words alone, but also through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you may be able to be uplifted and edified as you try to apply these principles in your life.
Don't give in! Fight for your faith and go Forward, putting your trust in God.
I will be back on a weekly basis to share experiences and stories that will always be fun to listen to. There will always be a good message from this Blog. I invite all to read from it. I hope that I can help you feel edified as you come back over and over again. You can find me on Facebook by Clicking this link...
And you can visit my Profile by Clicking this link...
I am always willing and ready to talk if anyone has questions. Until I write again, have a great week! Remember that I Kjar ("care", remember?).

1 comment:

  1. Haha you do Kjar! Faith is something we are always trying to build and to have more of. In your experience, what has helped others the most in finding faith?
