So I was out the other day I was out walking around when I had this random thought come into my head. I asked myself the question, " Can an invisible man cast a shadow?" I pondered over this again and again and I found an answer that I have been looking for.
Now I'm about to get a little nerdy and knowledgeable in here. There is no way for light to get through physical matter. So if someone were to be standing next to you, and they were invisible, they still would cast a shadow because even though they cannot be seen with your naked eye, matter is still there. The person still exists standing next to you! Now I'm not a physics major or a Doctor of science and I'm sure there are discrepancies with my doctrine, but I know that what I learned in high school physics still applies to everywhere I go in the world. Light will not go through solid matter, it will only reflect off an object and leave a shadow in it's place where light cannot reach because of the object in the light's path.
Even though that invisible someone cannot be seen, they are still there, even if the only evidence of their existence is a shadow.
How many times do we go through our lives and do many wonderful things, but are not recognized my others on a large scale? Even though many cannot solve world hunger and create engines that run on water, there are plenty more that do great but small things.
There are plenty of times when I feel that I am not living up to the expectations of the world. But the reality is, whatever our actions may be, as long as they are righteous and selfless, are great and powerful in the eyes of God.
The truth is that a "Nobody" can leave a legacy. An invisible man can cast a shadow.
Being a missionary, I have seen the sacrifices of others on my behalf. People love us enough to feed us dinner when they know that we are trying to pay for our missions. They help us do our laundry so we can still go out and look our best. They give us rides when we are too tired to walk to an appointment. But the best of them all is knowing that there is someone else that cares about me enough to help me be happier by giving me a word of encouragement or a plate of cookies. These are little things. To me, made all the difference. I will forever be grateful for the love and support these people have shown me, even if it was as simple as a ride downtown.
You can leave an impression on someones life. You can be the one to brighten the day of another. You can be the one to leave a legacy of kindness and love for others. I know I will never forget those who were kind to me.
Even though the only manifestation of your hard work is as small as a shadow to others, someone still sees you. To them, you are not invisible. To them, you mean the whole world.
Go about doing good so good things can follow. I can promise that your efforts are not wasted and that you will be a recipient of unexpected blessings.
I'll be back next week with something, I promise. BYE!!